Logo CyWreck

Innovative AI Security Solutions for Business Excellence

Combining Cutting-Edge AI Technology with Expert Security Engineering to Provide Comprehensive Protection and Drive Your Business Growth

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What We Do

Uncover Hidden Threats with Expert Blackbox Penetration Testing

Utilizing Red Hat-Style Techniques, Our AI-Driven Penetration Testing Identifies, Analyzes, and Eliminates Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities to Safeguard Your Business Against Growing Cyber Threats and Ensure Robust Digital Protection

About Us Image

What We Focus on

Results Based Approach

We Believe in Results more than just trying and as a result provide better client satisfaction with each Application Pentest.

Quality is King

We figured out after working with 7+ clients with 50+ hrs of pentests that quality is a better defining factor than quantity when it comes to the security of your product.

Root Cause Analysis

We Value ourselves not only for the findings we provide our clients but for an in-depth analysis of its root cause as well.

Happy Clients

Projects Tested

Hours Of Reviews

Hard Workers


Our Basic Pentesting Roadmap

Planning and reconnaissance


Discover Network's Attack Surface

BlackBox Testing

Detailed pentesting reports


Current Industry Standard Services Provided

Application Penetration Testing

Application penetration testing, is used to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in an application or software. It involves simulating a cyberattack on the application to uncover any potential security flaws that could be exploited by attackers. This allows organizations to proactively address any issues and improve the security of their applications.

Threat Modeling

Threat modeling is used to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities in a system, and to design and implement appropriate countermeasures to mitigate these risks. It involves analyzing the system's design and architecture, as well as the potential threats that it may face, in order to identify potential weaknesses and develop strategies to protect against them.

Black Box Testing

Black box testing is a method of evaluating the security of a system or application without having any knowledge of its internal workings or structure. The testers are only given the inputs and outputs of the system, and they use this information to test the system's behavior and identify any vulnerabilities or weaknesses.

Feature Reviews

Feature reviews focus on the specific features or functionalities of a system or product. During a feature review, a security expert will evaluate the design and implementation of a particular feature to identify any potential vulnerabilities or weaknesses that could be exploited by cyber attackers. This type of review is often conducted in the early stages of product development, before the product is released to the public.

Security Optimizations

Security optimization improves the security of a system or network by identifying and addressing vulnerabilities and weaknesses. This can involve a range of measures, such as implementing stronger authentication protocols, encrypting sensitive data, regularly updating software and security systems, and conducting regular security audits and assessments.

Secure Architecture Review and Design

A secure architecture review and design involves evaluating and assessing the design of a system to identify potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses. This typically includes a thorough analysis of the system's architecture and design, as well as its underlying components and technologies. The goal is to identify any security gaps or deficiencies and to recommend solutions and best practices to improve the system's overall security posture.

Coming Soon


Our cutting-edge AI product

Designed to revolutionize the way businesses approach cybersecurity

Your shield against threats, identifying vulnerabilities and securing your systems

Cybersecurity Features

  • Real-time Monitoring
  • Predictive Insights
  • Dynamic Severity Ranking
  • Efficient Sector-wise Analysis
  • Holistic Endpoint Database
  • User-friendly Interface
  • Historical Trend Analysis

AI-Powered Assistance

Natural Language Query

Articulate cybersecurity concerns in plain language for intuitive troubleshooting

Document Querying

Pinpoint specific sections of your codebase related to security issues quickly

Redirection to VAPT Services

Users have access to expert assistance when facing challenges beyond the AI's capabilities

Step-by-Step Solutions

Offers step-by-step solutions to tackle identified cybersecurity issues and implement corrective measures

User Empowerment

Empower users with the knowledge and tools needed to resolve cybersecurity issues effectively


Built on a foundation of continuous learning, adapting to evolving cybersecurity threats and industry best practices.

Product Pricing Plans



Ideal for small businesses and startups.

What you will get:

  • Basic SAST tools
  • Basic DAST tools
  • 2 seats and AI assistant



Comprehensive protection for mid-sized enterprises.

What you will get:

  • SAST tools
  • DAST tools
  • 5 seats and Predictive AI and bot



Robust cybersecurity for large enterprises and corporations.

What you will get:

  • SAST tools
  • DAST tools
  • Unlimited seats, full AI access, and free services attached

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What entails in a Basic Pentest?
  • How long does a pentest last?
  • Is Threat Modeling a Part of the pentest?
  • What is the cost of an average pentest?
  • How many bugs do u find in a general pentest?
  • Why Choose Us?

We Have Helped Secure

Dhan Logo


"Through our advanced AI solutions, Dhan's cybersecurity defenses have been significantly fortified, enhancing both operational security and client trust."

bharatx Logo


"Our AI-driven cybersecurity solutions have provided bharatx with superior protection against cyber threats, ensuring the safety of their digital assets and client information."

alaanpay Logo


"With our advanced AI technology, alaanpay's transaction security has improved, protecting sensitive financial data and enhancing their overall cybersecurity."

NoBroker Logo


"NoBroker now enjoys a robust security infrastructure, thanks to our comprehensive AI-enhanced cybersecurity measures, safeguarding their vast user data."

hiwipay Logo


"hiwipay achieved top-tier protection with our solutions, ensuring secure digital transactions and safeguarding customer information from potential breaches."

5paisa Logo


"5paisa experienced enhanced security with our AI-driven cybersecurity solutions, protecting their financial services and ensuring a secure trading environment for their clients."

Contact Us





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